Monday, May 23, 2011

Skirt Frenzy!

I will try to be more faithful about posting, honest!  That being said, I have been sewin' up a storm lately.  I've got several projects in the works, several that I still need to photograph and some I'll post right now!  A went to several themed parties lately, proper attire was required and, of course, made by me!
Soooooo stinkin' cute!  Naturally, I'm biased.  Photo courtesy of the wonderful Leslie Houx of Sweet Child of Mine Photography, see more of her work here.  She also happens to be Mommy to one of Arden's BFFs!  I sewed the eyelet rhumba skirt specifically for this Valentine's themed photo shoot, and appliqued the tie onto one of E's Hanes undershirts almost as an after thought when I realized he'd outgrown everything else.  Ha.  I also made the little frayed fabric flower corsage on A's lapel, which was soooooo easy and sweet when finished.  Find directions for free here.
Wish I'd have gotten an "action" shot of A's skirt here, it's a full circle and perfect for the Irish step dancing class we went to courtesy of Claddagh Murrieta and the magnificent Erin Tobin!  It was super easy to get E to pick fabric for his St. Patty's Day shirt, green is his favorite color.  For once I didn't feel like I was subjecting him to something I made because I thought it was cute, he was truly excited to have a green shirt that he got to pick out the fabric for.  A's skirt has shamrocks and ladybugs on it, she'll be wearing it next year at St. Patrick's Day too, lol.  Erin go bragh!
Next skirt was sewn for A's friend's sixth birthday party, a rockin' fifties party in the park!  She was very specific about the skirt she wanted; "dark pink with music notes" to coordinate with the birthday girl's ensemble.
 Another of A's BFFs had her sixth birthday the next day.  It was a busy skirt week!  The theme was "Lollipop Carnival" with accordingly bright colors.  Here's the skirt I designed myself, sans pattern, for that party:

Leslie took that photo, too.  (Can you tell the difference between the pictures I took and the photos by Leslie?  I thought so, lol.)  Mr. E missed out on homemade outfits for those two parties 'cause I couldn't find the bowling shirt pattern I was sure I'd bought.  Apparently I forgot to download it.  Go figure. He was amused enough with himself that I don't think his store bought tee bothered him!
He was so desperate for the birthday girl's attention, or anyone's for that matter, that he shot himself in the eye with a water gun to try and make her laugh!  What a goof!
More to follow...


Adri said...

Wow! All of those outfits look darling! You're such a cool mum to sew them such neat outfits for parties!

two girls, a boy and a blog said...

Hope all is well! The kids are beautiful!! Arden looks so much like you:-) Miss you guys!!

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